Last year during the wrestling season, every one of the coaches from the head man, Shawn Lewis, down to the volunteer assistants were running two practices every day. One with the boys program and the second with the girls program. Every coach has commented they loved it but it was taxing as it was out of necessity in the first year of the girls wrestling program. Now, the Pierre Governors have hired the first head coach in Girls wrestling history, not just at Pierre but in the state. Matt Thorson becomes the first official coach of the program.
Thorson has worked with the wrestling program over the last several years along with the Pierre Governor football coaching staff, but will now take charge of his first team. Travis Heasley will be his assistant coach. Thorson says it’s really exciting…
Thorson has already had some open mats for the girls this summer…
Thorson says there were growing pains last year that will not be the same heading into the second year…
The Governors had two state champions in the first year with Marlee Shorter and Ciara McFarling both winning state titles. Every member of the Pierre wrestling team will be back into the 2021 season.