PIERRE — The Trail of Governors in Pierre expanded by three Friday as the Class of 2021 was revealed in the State Capitol Rotunda. Second governor Charles Sheldon is crafted by James Michael Maher who says Sheldon wore a luxurious mustache…
Lee Leuning crafted the likeness of sixth governor Coe Crawford, who was steadfast in his beliefs…
Crawford is posed in a fighter’s stance with balled fists and rolled up sleeves. James Van Nyes brought 11th governor Carl Gunderson to life. Van Nyes says Gunderson is reflecting agriculture in South Dakota sitting on a hay bale in overalls gazing across the plains…
The event was attended by two of the four living South Dakota governors in Frank Farrar and current governor Kristi Noem. Next year the Trail of Governors will be made current with statues for 3rd governor Andrew Lee, 8th governor Frank Byrne and 12th governor W-J Bulow. A statue of current governor Kristi Noem will be added when she leaves office.