Fort Pierre City Council To Meet Tonight

Fort Pierre City Council To Meet Tonight

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room. City officials will present reports to the Council before getting into agenda items. The Council will review a draft copy of the city’s Capital Improvement Plan for review and input. They will also consider bids and awards for various curb and gutter projects for 2025. Council members will consider authorizing the advertising for chip and crack seal work and will set a meeting of the Local Review Board for March 17th at 5:30 pm. Second reading will be given to the 2025 utility rate ordinance and the Council will consider approval of a mobile home license renewal and 2025 plumbing license. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at six-pm. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting can be viewed remotely by using Zoom or calling either 719-359-4580 or 253-205-0468. The meeting ID is 814-124-6625.