FORT PIERRE. (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room. The Council will hear reports from city officials before getting into the main agenda. Only six-items of new business are coming before the Council tonight. They will consider giving authorization to the city to apply for a 2023 Community Forestry Grant and to authorize Hydro-Klean to reline sections of sewer main in the city. A third authorization request will come before the Council tonight. That is to authorize getting engineering done on the 6th Avenue reconstruction project scheduled for 2024. The Council will also consider personnel items and will set a public hearing for a temporary liquor license request for the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center on November 6th. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at 6:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 719-359-4580 or 253-205-0468. The meeting ID is 814-124-6625