PIERRE — In February, 567 passengers flew from Pierre Regional Airport. ArkStar, the airport consulting group used by the City of Pierre for help with commercial air travel operations compiled a list of the top 15 destinations for Pierre travelers last month. Airport Liaison to the Pierre City Commission Jamie Huizenga says 36-percent just go to United hub Denver, but many more connect beyond the Mile High City…
ArkStar’s research also indicates that business travel by plane is starting to recover…
After two months, enplanements at Pierre Regional are at 1036 with numbers for March expected in the first two weeks of April. The City of Pierre is still waiting for confirmation of an extension to its Essential Air Service contract. The city has recommended to the United States Department of Transportation a three-year, two-hub proposal with flights to Denver and Chicago from SkyWest Airlines. US-D-O-T has final say on what proposal will be selected. The current contract expires April 30th.