Hughes County Sheriff’s Office Releases 2024 Annual Report

Hughes County Sheriff’s Office Releases 2024 Annual Report

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Hughes County Sheriff’s Office released it’s annual report Friday. Sheriff Patrick Callahan says the field division responded to over 32-hundred calls which was down slightly from 2023. However, while the number of calls handled by deputies was lower, the severity of those crimes were up. The Sheriff’s Office’s coverage of mental health and substance abuse calls continue to lead for the calls-for-service deputies dealt with. Mental health and welfare check calls increased 50-percent while related offenses such as harassment were up by nearly 30-percent compared to 2023. Traffic complaints and injury accidents in the county were up which led to increased patrolling of problem areas. Callahan says the jail division saw record numbers in 2024 for both inmates and as such revenue. Adult detention resulted in four-point-nine million dollars or an average of 414-thousand dollars per month. Approximately 156 inmates where housed per day in 2024 at the Hughes County Jail. The Juvenile Services Center generated one-point-two million in revenue last year.