Stanley County Commission To Meet Tonight

Stanley County Commission To Meet Tonight

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — With a new month comes a new meeting for the Stanley County Commission. The Commission will hear the Auditor’s report and meet with the Department of Legislative Audit. Fairgrounds Manager Scott Deal will come before the Commission to discuss sand for the South Arena and Highway Superintendent Lee Smith will discuss belly dump trailers, gravel crushing and a scraper with the Commission. Commissioners will also be updated on bridge inspections. Commissioners will also discuss the five year county highway and bridge inspection program and will consider a resolution for a plat change in the Wyly Addition. Consideration of two abatements will also come before the Stanley County Commission. The Commission will also meet in executive session for a personnel item. The Stanley County Commission meets tonight in the Commission room on the lower floor of the Stanley County Courthouse at five-pm. The meeting is open to the community.