PIERRE, (KCCR) — Drought conditions are continuing to migrate east across South Dakota. This week’s update of the U-S Drought Monitor for the state shows dry areas getting closer to, but not passing the Missouri River, yet. As a state, drought-free areas fell four-percent to 62-percent. Abnormally dry areas increased by four-percent while moderate and severe drought expanded by six-percent. Twenty-two percent of South Dakota is under moderate drought while 10-and-a-half percent is now in severe drought. In central South Dakota abnormally dry has been introduced into southwest Mellette County or just over 11-percent. Abnormally dry areas increased 23-percent this week in Jackson County. Abnormally dry is up one-percent in Haakon and Ziebach Counties and two percent in Dewey. Dewey is 59-percent abnormally dry while Ziebach is 87-percent; Jackson is 86-percent and Haakon is 44-percent. Abnormally dry areas make up 37-percent of South Dakota.