PIERRE, (KCCR) — Over 90 volunteers helped recover over two-tons of trash, garbage and debris from areas around the Missouri River and Lake Sharpe on Wednesday night. The 15th annual Pierre/Fort Pierre Missouri River clean-up cleared litter from the Oahe Dam area past Farm Island Wednesday night. Of the items collected over half was lumber as 21-hundred pounds or one-point-zero-five tons of rubble was gathers. That was in addition to one-thousand 780 pounds of litter and trash; 280 pounds of scrap metal and 260 pounds of tires. A total eight boats were used as a part of the clean-up, both from various agencies and private individuals. Numerous land crews also took part. Since 2009, over one-thousand volunteers have collected 30 tons of litter and trash from areas around Lake Sharpe and the Missouri River. Helping make the clean-up possible were the Izaak Walton League, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, Department, Army Corps of Engineers, U-S Fish and Wildlife Service, Pierre and Fort Pierre. Twelve restaurants donated food for a post clean-up meal. Support for the clean-up also came from Thrivent Financial, Eagle Sales, Arctic Glacier Ice and the Pierre Fire Department.